Added Giscus for comments and reactions(Astro App)
I was planning to add utterances but came across Giscus which is based on Github Discussions instead of issues. It also has a bunch of other nice features, and was easy enough to integrate. I created a new github repo to host the comments.
The only tricky part was changing the theme dynamically, I wanted the comments theme to change instantly, if the global theme changes. I tried with just changing the prop passed to the iframe
tag, but that wasn’t enough. I checked the docs, and found out that we also need to send a message to the iframe. Anyway, here is the final Astro component I’m using -
<script> function updateGiscusTheme() { const theme = document.documentElement.getAttribute('data-theme'); const giscusTheme = theme === 'light' ? 'light' : 'noborder_gray'; document.getElementById('giscusComments')?.setAttribute('data-theme', giscusTheme);
const iframe = document.querySelector('iframe.giscus-frame') as HTMLIFrameElement; if (!iframe) return; const themeMsg = { setConfig: { theme: giscusTheme, reactionsEnabled: false, } } iframe.contentWindow?.postMessage({ giscus: themeMsg}, ''); }
// Watch for theme changes const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => { mutations.forEach((mutation) => { if (mutation.attributeName === 'data-theme') { updateGiscusTheme(); } } );});
observer.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['data-theme']});
<script src="" id="giscusComments" data-repo="triptu/comments" data-repo-id="<unique id from Giscus>" data-category="Announcements" data-category-id="DIC_kwDONvjmlc4CmV06" data-mapping="pathname" data-strict="0" data-reactions-enabled="1" data-emit-metadata="0" data-input-position="top" data-lang="en" crossorigin="anonymous" data-theme="noborder_gray" async></script>